Who We Are
Establishing any investment company cannot be out of risk due to overlapping economic indicators, which fluctuate the general investment climate.
To evade or reduce such risks to be counted for, channels are needed to be created through which the company management can communicate with the board of directors and understand the strategy and mission as drawn by the Board to be able to achieve constructive results so that the company can cover its expenses and generate profits to preserve shareholders rights.
The company’s achievements in the previous years are a good indicator of the understanding mentioned. Despite the unjust blockade imposed on the State of U.A.E, the negative aspects will not last as the company was able to continue achieving profits, and that’s because the company’s investments have been built on a solid financial base for a continuous satisfactory profit. After all, investment risks are prevalent at any time or place in real estate, value-added or bonds.
With its vast expertise, this Board is much needed in U.A.E under the leadership of H. H. Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Emir of the State of U.A.E, for a sturdy economy and investment opportunities in the upcoming stage.
In collaboration with the Board, the company’s management will pursue the implementation of the company’s strategy and plan for better achievement for shareholders.
Finally, I extend my thanks and gratitude to whoever participated in overcoming obstacles for positive results during previous years.
Mustafa Jassem Al-Shamali
Chief Executive Officer.